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Valuable amino acids with a range of applications

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A lack of amino acids can lead to various problems within the body. We at JUVEL-5 have developed a variety of different formulas so that you can choose the most appropriate amino acid mix for your needs. Discover our diverse range of natural amino acid products, all with different applications.

Lose weight more easily

About half of all adults in the UK have a BMI of over 25 and, therefore, are classed as overweight. Your fat metabolism plays a decisive role in maintaining your body weight, and you can have a positive, 100% natural influence on this by taking the correct amino acids that promote fat burning.

Learn more about JUVEL-5 pro shape here.

Increase your erectile potency

Erectile dysfunction is nothing to be ashamed of. Two thirds of all men experience this problem at some stage in their lives and you can do something about it as, in the last 40 years, scientists have been conducting intensive research into our bodies’ own processes. Use JUVEL-5 arginine as a natural alternative to medication and help your body to resolve your potency problem.

Learn more about JUVEL-5 arginine here.

Maintain a healthy outward appearance

Rough, dry skin, hair loss and weight problems are often simply the result of the ageing process. As the skin and hair are composed of amino acids, in many cases the issues can be traced back to deficiencies. Use our special formula to both feel great and look your best.

Learn more about JUVEL-5 skin, hair & body here.

Combat the symptoms of menopause

The menopause is a natural stage of the ageing process. Those affected often suffer from disturbed sleep, mood swings, poor concentration, problems maintaining their weight and hot flushes. A healthy dose of amino acids can have a positive effect on the potential symptoms of the menopause.

Learn more about JUVEL-5 fem balance here.

Treat hair loss

Hair loss is a widely common problem, but, in many cases, you can do something about it. For the most part, hair is composed of amino acids. If they aren’t present in sufficient quantities, hair loss can occur. Use JUVEL-5 h-direct to strengthen hair naturally.

Learn more about JUVEL-5 h-direct here.

Lower cholesterol levels

Many people suffer from increased cholesterol. Their blood pressure increases and, in turn, the risk of a stroke or other cardiovascular illnesses. Too little L-arginine and L-carnitine can cause problems if you have an increased level of cholesterol in your blood. Help your body to combat high cholesterol levels.

Learn more about JUVEL-5 c-balance here.

Increase your sleep quality

Around 80% of all people in the UK have trouble falling asleep or sleeping through the night. The consequences of such sleep deprivation are fatigue, a lower productive capacity and a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. Sleeping problems can be related to an imbalance in amino acid levels. Use JUVEL-5 s-balance and help your body get a good night’s sleep.

Learn more about JUVEL-5 s-balance here.

Combat stress

Stress, an intense lifestyle and psychological strain can lead to amino acid deficiencies. The results are tiredness, exhaustion and lethargy. A lack of amino acids, such as L-carnitine and L-glutamine can lead to burn out if the body is placed under too much strain. Regain your inner peace and tranquillity with amino acids.

Learn more about JUVEL-5 energy here.

Treat arthrosis

Arthrosis is the most common joint complaint. The cartilage in your joints that forms the protective layer between your bones deteriorates. The results are pain, stiffness and reduced mobility. Amino acids can help to combat cartilage loss. Use JUVEL-5 arthro balance and promote cartilage regeneration in your joints.

Learn more about JUVEL-5 arthro balance here.

Improve your amino acid levels

During the ageing process, your body develops an increased need for amino acids. Additionally, stress, exhaustion and illnesses can also lead to an amino acid deficiency. Healthy amino acid levels in your body support vitality and well-being. JUVEL-5 classic is the perfect tried and trusted amino acid mix for a good all-round supply of the all-important amino acids.

Learn more about JUVEL-5 classic here.

Combat rectal disorders

Almost one adult in two is affected by rectal disorders. They occur when the blood vessels in the haemorrhoidal plexus expand. The result is an itchy, burning or bleeding bottom and pain when passing stools. Amino acids play an important role for tissues and blood vessels. Treatment with amino acids combats haemorrhoidal complaints.

Learn more about JUVEL-5 pro balance here.

Reduce your blood sugar count

Around 250 million people worldwide suffer from type 2 diabetes. The body produces insulin the cells can process, just not in the correct form. The result is that too little sugar is converted into energy, arteries may close, and the risk of stroke increases. Supporting your body with JUVEL-5 d-balance is an effective way to combat this.

Learn more about JUVEL-5 d-balance here.

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